On the Road…Again

What a blur this summer has been!We finished swimming lessons in August.  Max moved to the next level!  He has learned so much and gained a lot of confidence.

We finished harvesting our flax last week and are preparing to leave to our next job in Harrold, SD about 34 miles northeast of Pierre, SD. We have corn and sunflowers to harvest early next week.

I have been busy canning as much as possible and trying to keep up with everything else.  We haven’t had any days off so we’ve been eating a lot of meals in the field.  20120913-084328.jpg20120913-084315.jpg 20120913-084337.jpgI have made freezer corn, several new recipes of pickles, relishes, crab apple jelly, tomato and peach salsa, and canned tomatoes.  August is usually our busiest month it feels like all I do is run in circles.  It’s been so dry here I’ve been dragging hoses all over the yard for our garden and newly planted apple and plum trees.  The garden is coming to an end and we should have frost by the weekend.  I normally would cover my plants and try to get a few more weeks but since we are leaving I will be pulling everything today and try to finish up with the canning by tomorrow.

How is that comfortable?  They have a procedure for getting in.  If Sophie is in first Peaches seems to demand Sophie to get out so she can get in and have her favorite spot.






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Fire in Munich

We had a few days off from combining but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy. The guys have been hauling our barley to Taft, ND and we’ve been mowing, weeding and picking raspberries.  I have been freezing the latest batches on pans then into zip top bags which seems to work quite well and will be mouth-watering in the middle of winter.  Max had swimming lessons again this week so we’ve been running for that I can see improvement with each lesson.

Today we snuck off for a quick flight. The elevator in Munich, ND was on fire and we took a few pics.

Munich, ND Elevator
Munich, ND Elevator

Tomorrow we will be back to combining we will be doing durum for a neighbor.


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Flying March 2012

Things are starting to dry up around here and it looks like an early spring!

I love watching our 4 year old he loves to fly he looks out the window or grabs the yoke and pretends to fly unless of course he falls asleep which he has a tendency to do.

This is our farm yard its hard to get a good pic in the plane always a reflection or a spot on the window.

Here’s a better pic of the yard

Our wind sock as we landed

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