Greetings from the north. Life has been so crazy around here, it’s been hard to find time to blog.Where does the time go? Is it really December! Almost Christmas & 2014! Believe it or not we still have over 100 acres of corn to harvest. We’ve had several snow days lately but have lucked out on a lot of snow that our southern neighbors received. We’re hoping to finish the corn soon & finally bring the 2013 harvest to an end.
This is how you harvest corn in November…all bundled up!The underside of the corn head. This is where the cobs get chopped off the stalk.Ready to roll!The corn field to be harvested. Corn should have around 13.5% moisture for storage, however this is about 30%. It will need to be dried down or sold for feed. We had a very late spring this year which prolonged the harvest.North Dakota corn sunsetCorn keeps the grain carts very busy. We had 2 carts & 1 machine going.
We were able to travel to Iowa for a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family.
We stopped at Bass Pro Shop to have a visit with Santa and check out their Christmas setup. The boys had a great time playing with the train.One of our beautiful North Dakota November sunrises.A frozen slough near us.Even the ice makes a beautiful North Dakota sunset.