This is a sunset we enjoyed as we were waiting for a pilot car in road construction on our way home. It took us 2 days to get home from South Dakota due to all the road construction.
What a busy couple of weeks it has been since we arrived home. Mick made 2 more trips back to South Dakota to retrieve equipment. Max had swimming lessons everyday for a week he even went off the diving board 4 out of 5 days. We start swimming lessons again this Monday. He has become a lot more comfortable with the water on his head. He has never liked water on his face or washing his hair in the tub and the lessons have helped him tremendously.
We have also been busy mowing, weeding, picking raspberries, checking fields, shampooing carpets, cleaning up equipment, preparing equipment for harvest at home, cleaning grain bins, laundry and unloading trailers. The camper still needs to be unloaded but for the most part we are ready to harvest at home.
Friday night I heard Peaches crying like she was hurt on the far side of our farm. We found her stuck under some poles on the ground out in the trees. She must have chased something in but was unable to get out. She was so scared. Mick dug a hole in the ground with a shovel and she was free and very excited to be out!
This is our barley field that was planted in April.
This is our flax field on the Canadian border.
I have made 2 batches of raspberry freezer jam and will attempt raspberry jelly next per Mick’s request. I’ve made many jellies but never raspberry, hopefully it turns out good. Freezer jam really can’t be beat as far as the fresh fruit taste.
Our barley was swathed earlier this week.
We started harvesting our barley today.