This is my final cake for Wilton course 3 gum paste and fondant.
In this course we made roses, daisies, carnations and mums. I love the whole idea of gum paste you can make your decorations way ahead of time and even use them again if you want. You have to work fast and keep it covered when you’re not working with it as it dries out extremely fast.
For the rose you roll the gum paste out then cut it with a cookie cutter and ruffle the petals on a foam sponge with a ball tool then you wrap it around the center repeat and before you know it you have a beautiful rose.
The carnation is cut from circle cutters then ruffled with a tool on a thin sponge then each layer is stacked – its so amazing how it all comes together. I’m so excited to start Wilton course 4 – Advanced Gum paste on Monday.